What if…

You could live in the world of your dreams?




Real Community

Real People


Authentic Networking:

for Building the New Earth.


We live at a time of peril.

Corporations rule over the land. The governments no longer care about the wellbeing of their people. Media companies lie and obscure the truth….

And yet, we are here.

The dreamers.

The visionaries.

The rebel warriors of spirit.

Creators born to re-envision life aligned with nature and health.

The New Earth emerges.

First from the realm of thought,

Like a small seed, growing into being.

A flower through the cracks in concrete.

Like a phoenix rising from its shell of ashes.

Now is the time.

Awaken: People of Earth.



Our Three Missions:


What it means:

Keep the Fire. Preserve knowledge, arts and skills passed down through time.

Restore Humanity. Bring healing and authentic connection back to Earth.

Build The Tribe. Create a real community today and for future generations.


Creating a New Future

Ymeria Network connects individuals and organizations throughout North America. We seek to create a new cultural group within The United States, a new tribe, that better reflects the values of its people. The scope of Ymeria is vast. As a project building an entire community, Ymeria includes many aspects. 


Our project envisions five stages of development:





Click Here to Read More:


Step 1. Beginnings. We are here. Establishing the first meeting hall in Tucson Arizona. Codifying the drafts of our founding documents. Outreach to emerging communities and individuals throughout the United States to begin and forge deeper connections.


Step 2. Nationwide Halls. Establishment of local clubs, called Halls, where members of Ymeria meet and network throughout the entire USA.


Step 3. Ymeria University. Creation of an online academy for higher education and information resources. Also establishing Ymerian schools, homeschool collectives or alternative education to provide quality K-12 learning for children.


Step 4. Physical Property. Purchasing and establishing dedicated properties for Ymerian functions (Hall buildings.) Promoting land ownership and wealth for individual members. Also creation of legal entities to allow land to be preserved for future generations.


Step 5. Ymerian Villages. The ultimate dream: Assemble entire towns and neighborhoods for Ymeria. Raise generations of children in a community that promotes health, wellness, authentic connection and empowerment of our people.



What Happens in Ymeria?

Authentic Relating. What we call “Friendship First.” This prioritizes connection with others in a natural way, out of appreciation for fellow human beings. All other types of relationships (such as business, collaboration etc.) unfold from this.


Ritual & Ceremony. Sacred space experiences in a cross-tradition format. These rituals appeal to members of many spiritual paths.


Business Networking. Increase community abundance. Network local businesses, entrepreneurs and help our members increase their financial mastery.


Games & Entertainment. Play is a great way to bring people together!

Exploration & Adventure. Discover the land with friends old and new: Explore the city or wilderness with fellow Ymeria members.


Health & Wellness. Workshops, classes and networks of healing practitioners. Providing many alternative health options.


Project Development. Within Ymeria there are numerous creative projects. Our members collaborate on projects and discussions that build Ymeria’s culture.


And More:

  • Featured Speakers
  • Classes & Education
  • Seasonal Festivals
  • Ecstatic Dance
  • Bowling Nights
  • Martial Arts
  • Art & Performance
  • Qi Gong
  • Meditation
  • Human Libraries


Our Structure

Ymeria Includes Halls & Houses.

Halls: Local Groups. In-Person Gatherings. Houses: Non-Local Worldwide Interest Groups.

Halls. Autonomous communities throughout The United States. Halls provide in-person meetups and events to bring people together.


Houses. Sub-groups within Ymeria. Houses facilitate space for shared interests, education, projects and other functions. A House may have members all over the world.


(For the specifics of our structure, see our official documents.)


The Seven Main Houses

Like a Royal Family, Where Everyone is King or Queen.

Click on a picture to learn more:






Take the Quiz to discover which House may be a good match for you:

A Vision for a New Culture


What kind of community are we building?


One where human beings can live a more natural way of life.

Where people are happy.




Human nature = we are a part of nature.




Current State of Affairs vs. The Ymerian Vision

Corporations Matter vs. People Matter Right versus Left vs. Independent Thinkers "Judeo-Christian" Nation vs. Spiritual Pluralism Machines Rule vs. Humans Rule Isolation vs. Connection Authoritarian vs. Democratic Censorship vs. Information Freedom Fake ‘Woke’ vs. Real Awakening Nihilistic Despair vs. Meaningful Life Unnatural vs. Natural


The Indigo Papers

Our founding documents, The Indigo Papers, illustrate our principles & directions in greater detail. To request a copy of The Indigo Papers, write to us here.



Would You Like to Know More?

People join the Ymeria Network through a sponsor. Ymeria is a community of select people: those of shared vision and mission. If you are interested in Ymeria, or have questions about the nature of this project, contact us through the following form.


Please begin your email with the words “Dear Jackrabbit”

Because this code phrase helps us discern and weed out spam emails.


Jackrabbit is the code name of our web administrator on staff.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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